Aybaniz Murtuzova MD
Ajbanis Murtuzova is a specialist in Neurology, and through the last 5 years a dedicated stroke expert and is working at Herlev University Hospital as a consultant in neurological disorder, cerebrovascular diseases. She has acquired 17 years of experience as a physician in Denmark. Nine of these years has been spent conducting extensive research and practical work within neurology, neurosurgery and neurophysiology.
Dr. Ajbanis spent more than five years in the stroke unit and in addition to neurology, has clinical experience in internal medicine, cardiology, geriatrics as well as cardiovascular/abdominal surgery. However, she is working with the challenges that currently face her in workdays, such as challenging younger stroke patients.
She thoroughly investigates, treats and prevents cerebrovascular diseases. Furthermore, she gains extensive knowledge in follow-ups and rehabilitation. She is curious about cerebral amyloid angiopathy, cerebral microbleeds, precerebral, intra cerebral stenosis, atrial fibrillation with ischemic stroke treatment possibilities.
Her current position in the stroke unit comprises many responsibilities. She refers the patients to operate stent, carotid stenosis, heart and brain, responsible for TIA Clinic. Furthermore, she is partly responsible for neurointensive care. In addition to working extensively in Denmark, she has sought international ways to expand her own knowledge as well as helping other countries’ medical institutions, namely in Azerbaijan. She has participated in the “Stroke Management Improvement Program Creation of Stroke Center Pilot Project at Azerbaijan Medical University” in 2019- 2020.
She is investigator in our department for different studies such as STATICH, Closure, Norfib etc.
Member YNNN, DNS, DSA, NSC, ESO, ESO-Karolinska Stroke, WSO, EAN and she has participated in both international and national courses, master programs, congresses in stroke last five years
She is a member of Working Group who describes guidelines and organisations in large artery disease in central region with vascular surgical and endovascular/ radiological colleges.
Member of radiological and neurological teamwork in Herlev University Hospital
Supplies education in stroke ESO Summer school 2018 Charite-Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Pathophysiological classification of Polyneuropathies in different Aetiologies
Aetiology and Electrophysiological Classification of Polyneuropathies