1. The Professional Club (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”) is not a juridical entity and operates voluntarily.
  2. Doctors of various specialties can become the members of the Club.

The main goal of the Club is to carry out exchange of experiences among the Club members, to expand the professional knowledge of the doctors, to foster informal communication and organize exchange of ideas and information among the Club members. It focuses on both professional sphere of interests of Club members, and other issues of interest to them: social, scientific etc. …

Activity forms of the Club

  1. Organizing Club meetings;
  2. Organizing the conferences and press conferences in a round table format;
  3. Distributing the information about the performance and members of the Club;
  4. Other activity forms that do not contradict to the goals and objectives of the Club.

Club membership

  1. Membership in the Club is carried out on a voluntary basis;
  2. Membership fee is 60 AZN per year;
  3. Club members can include all the qualified healthcare providers;
  4. Everyone must register in order to be a member of the Club.

Rights and obligations of the Club

  1. Combining the professional potential of the doctors in order to improve the methods of establishing informal contacts between doctors and struggling against health problems of the population;
  2. Generalization of experience, exchange of experience, professional development;
  3. Growth of reputation of medical profession;
  4. Creating conditions for development of professional qualities of unpracticed and young doctors;
  5. Discussion of professional issues;
  6. Creating conditions for the Club members to carry out their activities.

Rights and obligations of the members

  1. Taking part actively and independently in the Club’s performance, making a report on any topic at any conference (scientific work or a once-off experience from personal practice). In this case, the Club member should inform the Club’s Top Managers about the topic of his/her report at least a month prior to the next meeting of the Club;
  2. Making suggestions and comments on specific issues;
  3. Withdrawing from membership of the Club voluntarily;
  4. Following the decisions of the general meetings of the Club;
  5. Fulfilling the obligations related to the Club;
  6. Not to harm the interests and reputation of the Club and Club’s members

Suspension of the Club’s membership

  1. By means of a written request of a Club member sent by e-mail indicating the reason;
  2. Under the decision of the Chairman of the Club, if the actions and activities of any Club member are against the goals and objectives of the Club, and if they damage the interests or reputation of the Club.

Club’s Top Managers

Chairman of the Club – Mammadova Marziyya Yusif, Director of “Health and Science Initiatives” LLC.

Your information
Adress for contacts (For official)
Workplace (To show in the list of members)
Annual membership fee: 60 AZN
Accept the Terms and Conditions