Aydan Xasmammadzade, MSc
Aydan Khasmammadzade made her second master degree in Italy, Rome in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. Her main research field was in Sapienza university neurobiology laboratory, based on neurodegenerative diseases, especially Niemann Pick C1 type disease.
Aydan Khasmammadzade worked in Santa Lucia Hospital (IRCCs) with patients suffering from various neurological and psychological diseases. At the time was the member of G.Galaty’s research group for finding new brain areas, responsible for motor activity of human.
She made her first master in clinical psychology, then continued her education in Saint Petersburg in the field of psychoanalysis. Nowadays, she works as neuropsychologist and psychotherapist in HB Guven clinic. Her main work tools are psychometric and neuropsychological tests, as well as tools for development cognitive abilities, rehabilitation
of psychological and cognitive impairments. Also, should be noted, she works with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychoanalysis (classic and brief), Katathym imaginative therapy.
During her first master period she was working in Berpa plus psychiatric hospital with people, suffered from drug addiction and alcoholism. During her work in Psychological Institute she was the lecturer of main psychological courses.
Now, she is also the lecturer in Khazar University at Psychology department. Her research interests includes neuroplasticity and epigenesis.