Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to the scientific-practical conference “Medical rehabilitation: scientific views and modern approaches”, organized jointly by the Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Azerbaijan Medical University and the Center for Public Health and Reforms.
Over the past 10 years of the twentieth century, as in other fields of medicine, rehabilitation, physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment have achieved great success. Many diseases that used to lead to severe disability can now be successfully and quickly cured. This leads to a decrease in the degree of disability and an increase in the quality of life. During a global pandemic, rehabilitation is becoming increasingly important. Thus, in addition to treating people with disabilities, the treatment and rehabilitation of complications of Covid 19 and PostCovid syndrome have become a very urgent problem.
In this regard, as in the rest of the world, it is necessary to hold scientific meetings on medical rehabilitation in Azerbaijan, share new information on updated methods of rehabilitation, organization and conduct of rehabilitation work.
The event is scheduled for February 27, 2021.
Topics discussed:
Organization of rehabilitation work, training
World experience in rehabilitation
Post-clotting rehabilitation
Rehabilitation for cardiovascular diseases
Recovery in diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Rehabilitation for systemic diseases
Psychological rehabilitation
Rehabilitation for cerebrovascular diseases
Rehabilitation for diseases of the spine
Rehabilitation for neuromuscular diseases
Rehabilitation of PTSD
Rehabilitation for pulmonary diseases
Rehabilitation for gastroenterological diseases
Rehabilitation of childhood diseases
Scientific committee of the event:
PhD Sevda Nasrullaeva
PhD Nizami Nabiev
PhD Rauf Bailarov
PhD Pasha Mehdiyev
Organizing committee of the event:
Prof. S.G. Huseynova
Ph.D. Mustafaeva E.E.
Dr. M.Y. MamedovaOrganizational support:
Health and Science Initiatives LLC
09.00-09.10 Opening speech. Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Sevda Nasrullayeva, PhD
09.10-09.40 Today’s topic – PostCovid Rehabilitation. Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation of Azerbaijan Medical University, Prof. Sadagat Huseynova
09.40-10.10 Application of laser therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation after the acute phase of COVID-19. Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal State Budget Organization of the Federal Scientific-Clinical Center of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Prof. Andrey Kochetkov
10.10-10.40 Management of mental disorders in the population as a result of social isolation related to Covid-19. SOS International German Clinic, psychiatrist Dr. Halima Gamarlinskaya
10.40-11.10 Treatment of spasticity and application of botulinum toxin. İstanbul Medeniyet University, School of medicine, Physical medicine and rehabilitation department, Turkey, Prof. Belgin Erhan
11.10-11.40 Advances in motor recovery in acute and post-acute stroke care. Senior Consultant Neurology Department at University Hospital Tulln, Director of the Early Rehabilitation department and the Neurorehabilitation dayclinic, Austria, Prof. Sigrid Schwartz
11.40-12.10 Post-stroke rehabilitation – new approaches. Researcher of the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Dr. Marziyya Mammadova
12.10-12.40 Rehabilitation of post-stroke cognitive impairment. Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation of Azerbaijan Medical University, Prof. Sadagat Huseynova
12.40-13.30 Lunch-break
13.30-14.00 Rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery. Head of the Department of Cardiological Rehabilitation of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, senior researcher Malik Baylarov, PhD
14.00-14.30 New approaches in the Rehabilitation of Rheumatic Diseases. Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Prof. Nadir Huseynov
14.30-15.00 Rehabilitation of diabetic polyneuropathy. Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Sevinj Rzayeva, PhD
15.00-15.30 Rehabilitation in myelopathies. Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Elshana Mustafayeva, PhD
15.30-16.00 Rehabilitation of posttraumatic disorders. Head of the department of Baku Clinic, physiotherapist Uzm. Dr. Sanan Jafarov
16.00-16.30 Rehabilitation of gastroenterological diseases. Deputy Head of the Department of Physiotherapy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Assoc.prof. Pasha Mehdiyev
16.30-17.00 Rehabilitation of patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Azerbaijan National Sports Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Ph.D., prof. Matanat Efendiyeva
17.00-17.30 Rehabilitation of vertebrogenic low back pain. Researcher of the Department of Neurology of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Dr. Parviz Akhundov
17.30- 18.00 Discussion. Question and answer
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